Thursday, March 6, 2008

Toes and 'school'

Guillermo is almost able to suck his toes..something he's been really excited about for a while now..he's been trying to reach his foot up to his mouth for days, but it's not quite there yet. Maybe tomorrow. Oops..Bill just walked in and said he saw him actually sucking them! Hoorah for toes!

Also, today we went to 'school'! We started a PEPS (Program for Early Parenting Support) at the local co-op preschool. He really enjoyed the class which we'll now go to every Thursday for two hours. We sang songs, had story time and played with other kids. The second part of class is for moms to discuss how they are doing. Great fun and great to meet 30-something moms! The great thing is that he can start 'family pre-school' at 10 months. It's a co-op preschool which means that I'll co-teach with all moms/dads that are enrolled and have a great time socializing with other babies/kids! Such a great option and not too pricey either as it's offered by the local community college.


Anonymous said...

That sounds fantastic, the co-op school, not sucking his toes. You do know that Bill did that too!
Anyway, the school sounds terrific. How exciting for you - as you say, you get to meet and talk with adults, same situation as you, small child - Guillermo enjoys it - are there little girls for him to flirt with - I think he pretty much has a routine established from the pictures I have seen, with that bright smile, beautiful eyes, by the way, I think he has your eyes. You guys take care, love you very much. Norma

Wendy said...

That sounds like an awesome program! You guys are so lucky. Is he able to sleep or something during the second half of the class? Graham would start losing it by an hour and a half into the 2 hours, I'm sure.

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

Well, he did take a nap in the middle of the class yesterday while the moms were was quite funny...he missed his morning nap and just ended up conking out in the middle of the floor. So yes, it's quite laid back, pretty much the babies rule, so whatever they're up to, they can do and if they want to sleep, eat, etc, that's fine too. It's really great!

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.