Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween and One Week birthday!

Happy ONE week old today!

And...Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 6

Went to the pediatrician today and all is well. Guillermo is almost to his birth weight...he was so good! No shots or prodding today...happy baby....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Proud (and tired) papa

Stop! Hammer time

And here we were afraid that newborn sized clothing would be too small...these are the Hammertime shots of the day!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

At last!

The new baby has arrived. Guillermo Miguel Bomberger is so precious. He was greeted by an almost full harvest moon (his new lullaby). Weighing in at 7 lb, 3.5 oz and 19.5 inches, he came on October 24, 2007 at 3:23am after 22 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing. Happiness overwhelms us.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October leaves at the cemetery

Here are some photos from our afternoon walk at the cemetery by our house. The leaves are so beautiful right now, but we think that by next week they'll all be gone! Click on the pic for more.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

First off, I'm way behind in reading what has been a big best seller since 2006...but I really liked it, so....

I went into reading this book with some reservations as I am not usually a reader of non-fiction, and I also don't usually like to read books that fall under that 'self-help' category...though this is more of a memoir about one woman helping herself...anyway, a friend lent me the book and told me how good it was, so I gave it a try. The Seattle PI review, while giving away most of the 'story', might give you an idea if it's for you or not (because it isn't probably something that all of you would enjoy after all).

I found myself to be drawn in by the author's honesty about her past, her spiritual aspirations and her thought processes while on her journey....not to mention the amazing people she met during her travels!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Belly Photos (36 weeks)

Click on the pic for some 36 week belly shots. We weren't able to do professional shots so Bill was the photographer...pretty good for a guy with a little point and shoot digital cam!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Fall has fallen

Here's a picture from our front door at about 7:30 this morning. First frost....already! Spokane has, well, shall we say a "fog issue" as well....Looks like we're in for a long winter!

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.