Sunday, April 6, 2008

Making faces

Guillermo's scrunch face...he's into no napping the last few days..maybe that's where the face came from? No, actually, he's not at all upset in this picture, just getting ready to babble..I guess he has to get his face warmed up or something!


John said...

Does he like spinach?

Anonymous said...

He does look like Popeye. If his first words are "I yam what I yam!" I would be worried. What an absolute cutie. As for the no napping, his uncle John gave up one nap a day about this age. Not fun, especially when you are worn out by 2 PM and you need a nap and he is ready for play. Grandma Norma

Wendy said...

No napping? I blame teething, but that's what I blame all aberrant behavior on. When Elias acts weird now I have no way of dismissing it since he already has all his teeth.

I still think he's cute, even doing his Billy Idol impression.

RubyMel said...

Why you gotta copy me Guillermo?

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.