Thursday, April 10, 2008

Big boy

We went to the doc yesterday because we thought G had an ear infection. It was just teething. He's pulling at his right ear like crazy and such a grouch! This shot was taken today after we got home from class. Spring is in the air...he couldn't be happier to go pantless! On a funny note, he was weighed. His 5.5 months weigh in...19 lbs, 1 oz!


RubyMel said...

ahhh to be 6 months old again. When gaining weight was good. :)

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

Yes, and the term "thunder thighs" was cute :)

Wendy said...

What a cutie. Bill, could you breathe with that giant baby standing on your chest???

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.