Crazy day, I got a call from Amy at 2pm and both she and Guillermo were crying. Poor little guy developed a reaction to his shots, his doctor thinks maybe to the aluminum in DTaP (diptheria, tetanus and pertusssis). Anyway, he was in a lot of pain and his leg was hot red and swollen. I rushed home and we all raced back to the Doctor's office, where he was examined and given some Tylenol (one of my "Desert Island Drugs").
Everything is going to be alright, we just need to keep dosing him with Tylenol, keep a cool compress on his leg and keep consoling him. Amy is doing a great job on that front. His leg is already less swollen and red, though we were warned that it will be intermittently hot and swollen over the next day or so. So say a little prayer to God or Chaos or what have you tonight for our little guy.
Why the heck is there aluminum in there???
Poor little guy and poor Amy. I hope he feels better soon. Graham developed a fever after his 4 month shots. That was scary, but I can't imagine how this must've been for you.
With all the controversy over childhood immunizations recently, its been hard to get over my unease every time I bring my kids in for shots. This doesn't help me feel better.
What will they do the next time Guillermo is due for shots?
DTaP is a pretty important series, there have been outbreaks of pertussis in the last 10 years, and though it is only annoying to adults it can be extremely serious in wee ones. The plan is to give him the DTaP as three separate shots (diptheria, pertussis and tetanus all individually) to lessen the reaction.
Sigh, we will cross that bridge when we come to it...but yeah, why is there aluminum in it...if only I knew a chemist whom might know...
Too bad John is just a chemical engineer.
[John here: I checked google and aluminum hydroxide (and maybe other aluminum salts) is supposed to spur the body to produce more antibodies]
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