Thursday, January 31, 2008

3 1/2 months

More snow

Guillermo's BIG snowsuit and our house (the white one) before more new inches in the last few days. The plowed piles are much higher now!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


We are having another weekend of makes for a boy in many hats. Every time we go out, we have to bundle Guillermo up, then cover him up from head to toe. Poor child...after Hawaii, we think he's quite confused about why he is now in the frozen tundra and doesn't have a grandma in the backseat staring at him everywhere he goes! Anyway, the hat in pic #1 is too small, and the hat in pic #2 is too big...poor guy!

Friday, January 25, 2008


He's just so cute! I can't stop posting pics :) Thanks to Mel for this hilarious towel...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rolled over!

So, the child rolled from tummy to back today. It was quite by accident and he looked a little confused as to why he all of a sudden had a view of the yellow ceiling instead of his new favorite toy the turtle (Honu). Here he is a few minutes afterwards.

Happy Three Months

Guillermo turned 3 months old on Wednesday. Here is his "size" photo.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby's first LONG trip

Guillermo hanging out at the beach...he seemed to like it..even the sand that eventually got in his face. Click the pic above for more pics of the Maui trip. We went to celebrate my parents' 40th wedding anniversary which was Jan 13. Congrats you too...and never had a fight, they claim :) They are still there enjoying the sun and surf...

Guillermo did so great! He was a perfect little traveler and LOVED spending time with his grandparents, being warm and flirting with people at all three airports!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Well, the last three days have brought snow, but we got 9 inches last night on top of the snow we already had...and all a day before going to Hawaii! Talk about a weather change! I'm stuck here at the house for the last three days and Bill is taking the car with studs to work. It's kinda fun though! And pretty...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Evening workout

Guillermo is getting so close to rolling over, he wants to so badly. But for right now he has to keep working on it.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Vaccine Update

Guillermo is doing much better, the swelling and redness have gone down and currently he is cooing at Amy. We'll keep given him Tylenol and snuggling with him. Above you can see him showing "mom" that he isn't sick, in fact check out these pecs.

When Vaccines Attack!

Crazy day, I got a call from Amy at 2pm and both she and Guillermo were crying. Poor little guy developed a reaction to his shots, his doctor thinks maybe to the aluminum in DTaP (diptheria, tetanus and pertusssis). Anyway, he was in a lot of pain and his leg was hot red and swollen. I rushed home and we all raced back to the Doctor's office, where he was examined and given some Tylenol (one of my "Desert Island Drugs").

Everything is going to be alright, we just need to keep dosing him with Tylenol, keep a cool compress on his leg and keep consoling him. Amy is doing a great job on that front. His leg is already less swollen and red, though we were warned that it will be intermittently hot and swollen over the next day or so. So say a little prayer to God or Chaos or what have you tonight for our little guy.

2 month appt (a few weeks late)

Well, Guillermo had his 2 month doctor appt today (a few weeks late)..he's actually 10 weeks old.

Weight: 14 lbs, 1 oz (87%)
Height: 24 inches (76%)

He was such a trooper about his immunizations. I was a wreck! He screamed for two minutes or so after being poked, but after being soothed a little (and given a binkie), he fell asleep (see pic below...he's still in this position as I write this post). Now starts Fever Watch 2008...yes, I'm a nervous nelly!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Baby makes his blue jeans talk

First jeans for New Year's Eve...

Jungle gym!

Guillermo is IN LOVE with his new gym...we have named the animals that hang from it. Since the music is kind of calypso style, we have Harry Elefante (the elephant of course), Tucan Steve, Excelsior the Parrot, and Cheetah the monkey (yes, we are losing our minds). I've decided that the boy will be a percussionist since he likes to hit Harry Elefante and Tucan Steve simultaneously while kicking Excelsior the Parrot! Ha! This is a tummy shot, but many more action shots live on Flickr.

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.