Sunday, November 4, 2007


Guillermo's bathtime cute!


Wendy said...

He's a cute one, alright! How does he like baths?

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

Not so much...I think it's the being cold that makes him a little angry. Once he's wrapped up, he's a happy camper though. He's had a cold for 4 days now, so this bath was much needed. I think even he knew how dirty he was! Luckily the cold is winding down. I feel so bad...I got a cold right after leaving the hospital and he got it just a few days later..what an intro to the world!?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the cold - he sounds as though he has a strong system already by fighting it so quickly; that is thanks to you, you've given him some strong immunity already. He will start loving his bath once he can play in the water. Grandma Norma

Anonymous said...

Is this his official Blue Steel

John said...


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking so! He likes giving this look a lot...AND he seems to love being the center of attention already...he is happiest when everyone is looking at him and talking to him!

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.