Wednesday, November 14, 2007

3 weeks old today

Guillermo is 3 weeks old today! We went to a mommy/baby meeting today where they do free weigh ins and he's up another pound! So, he's 9 lbs, 3 oz...What a precious boy...who likes to eat. He had a fit today when I undressed him for his weigh in...the nurse said, "Boy, he has a temper!"..I thank Bill for this, truly, what a blessing :) Just kidding dah-ling!


Bill said...

Temper? I think he is just "assertive".

Anonymous said...

Somehow the Latin temper is able to be passed generation to generation.

p.s.I love his pre-walk pictures and post-walk pictures. Regardless, he is always sleeping

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

In the last few days, he seems to be a bit more awake than usual (maybe about 3 hours during the day)...I'm enjoying it so much more than the napping all day! But, I'm also realizing that he's going to be 18 soon! Everything changes so quickly with him!

Norma Bomberger said...

Later on you will remember the times when he did sleep, the sweetness, quiet, and the fact you were able to sit for a few minutes and gather yourself, maybe even read. I did all my reading for quite a few years, while I was doing housework, vacuuming, etc, while they were all playing around me. Enjoy these moments

Wendy said...

Happy birthday, chubby! :-)

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.