Guillermo turned 21 months today. It has been an eventful day!
First off, summer leads to much naked time at our house (well Guillermo is naked, Bill and I are USUALLY clothed), so this morning during some naked time, Guillermo started to get the "I am about to pee on the floor" glint in his eye. I quickly reminded him that if he needed to pee, he could use his potty. He marched right over to the potty, sat down, directed me to look away, and peed in his potty. When I finally decided to look at him (not wanting to infringe upon his privacy), he was holding his potty pot upright asking "What's this?". I started to race over toward him, but couldn't make it in time to stop the boy from pouring the full potty right down the front of himself. Ah, potty baptism. How's that for a 21 month birthday present!? Luckily, Guillermo had no issues with being covered in his own urine! Mommy, however, was a little grossed out!
Second, all we have been talking about is new babies since both Kristine (right on time) and Lindsey (a little early!) had their new baby girls this week. This is not very exciting talk for Guillermo. In fact, I was commenting on how adorable little Lydia is earlier today, and Guillermo went and fetched the book that his grandpa had made of photos of his first year...he wanted to look through pictures of himself as an adorable newborn, no doubt. So, we paged through the book for a while until he realized that he had successfully stopped all new baby talk and got bored.