Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Play date with our new friend

Today we met with Jeanine and Andy for a play date at Audubon Park. It was 40 degrees...winter is almost here! Here are the boys together (they are 1 week apart) having SUCH a great time. They both went into tizzies when we had to leave. Guillermo came home and went straight to bed! Jeanine and I are both looking for more friends in Spokane and both sort of new here. She came by way of LA (an Angelino!). We are currently planning to meet a LOT this fall and winter!!


RubyMel said...

Guillermo is pulling out all the stops to impress his new friend it seems. You can tell by the red cheeks it's cold! Glad you are going to be able to console another lost soul in Spokane.

Anonymous said...

How fun for the boys and glad they like being around each other. I wish it were cold here already. We have a whopping 89 today and maybe in the 80s all week. Wow! Fall has really hit Phoenix. Grandma Norma

grannynlb1 said...

I was looking at Guillermo again and it appears he will need a larger snow suit this year. We can look when you visit soon.

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

Yep, he's bigger, but I need to try on his snowsuit...sometimes it's deceiving..he's been wearing the same pants for about a year now!

All about Guillermo and Alma. Our little people.